Summer Book Club: Listen, Five Simple Tools to Meet Your Everyday Parenting Challenges
4 Tuesdays, June 4-25, 2024, 6:30-7:30p Pacific/ 9:30-10:30p Eastern
Have you always wanted to read the amazing book; Listen, by Hand in Hand founder, Patty Wipfler and parenting expert, Tosha Schore?
Well, now’s your chance! This group will be great for anyone new to this approach, seasoned Hand in Hand parents, or anyone who wants to explore the principles and tools that Hand in Hand a little deeper.
You will read dozens of stories written by parents, of similar situations that you have experienced with your children, such as whining, lying, aggression, sibling stuff, separation and bedtime challenges, evening meltdowns, fears and anxieties, unwillingness to share or cooperate. You’ll read how they applied the Hand in Hand tools in their families and the changes they have seen, as a result.
10s of 1,000s of families have made life altering shifts and you can read all about it in this information packed book.
We’ll meet weekly with a group of like minded parents to process what you’ve read, understood, and felt. You will likely be inspired to try out these tools. Your confidence will be shored up, as you read and will feel less alone in your struggles.
Perhaps with the support of our group, you’ll feel a bit braver about setting a limit that you have been avoiding because you know a big upset will ensue.
Perhaps you’ll use the support of our group to try more rough and tumble play with your older and stronger child.
Perhaps you’ll use the support of our group to set up a listening partnership.
Perhaps you’ll use our group and the inspiration of the book to see that you are the right parent for your child.
Our book club can be a nice way to add some self care to your summer. You deserve support. You deserve to carve out time to soak in that support.
4 Tuesdays, June 4-25, 2024, 6:30-7:30p Pacific/ 9:30-10:30p Eastern
Cost: $120
Register here